Definition of unavailability


không có sẵn


"Unavailability" originates from the prefix "un-" meaning "not" and the noun "availability." "Availability" itself comes from the Latin "disponere," meaning "to make ready." Thus, "unavailability" means "not being ready or available." The word first appeared in the 17th century, reflecting a growing need to express the concept of something being unavailable. Its usage has increased with the development of technology and the expectation of instant access to information and services.


the fact that something cannot be obtained

thực tế là một cái gì đó không thể có được

  • Many of the problems were caused by the unavailability of suitable equipment.

    Nhiều vấn đề xảy ra do không có sẵn thiết bị phù hợp.

the fact that somebody is not able or not willing to see, meet or talk to somebody

thực tế là ai đó không thể hoặc không muốn gặp, gặp hoặc nói chuyện với ai đó

  • The trial was adjourned due to the unavailability of a key witness.

    Phiên tòa đã bị hoãn lại do không có nhân chứng quan trọng.