Definition of unavailable


không có sẵn


"Unavailable" is a relatively modern word, originating from the combination of the prefix "un-" (meaning "not") and the adjective "available." "Available" itself comes from the Old French "avalable," meaning "capable of being used or obtained." The first recorded use of "unavailable" dates back to the early 19th century. Its rise in popularity was likely driven by the increasing complexity of modern society, requiring greater precision in describing things that were not readily accessible.


that cannot be obtained

điều đó không thể có được

  • Such luxuries are unavailable to ordinary people.

    Những thứ xa xỉ như vậy không có sẵn cho người bình thường.

not able or not willing to see, meet or talk to somebody

không thể hoặc không muốn gặp, gặp hoặc nói chuyện với ai đó

  • The minister was unavailable for comment.

    Bộ trưởng không có mặt để bình luận.

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