Definition of titular


danh nghĩa


The word "titular" has its origin in Latin, where "titulus" means "title" or "heading". The Latin term was used to describe the heading or title of a document, such as a literary work or a legal agreement. When brought into English, the word "titular" took on a broader meaning, referring to a title or position that is related to a particular role or office. In the 15th century, the term was commonly used to describe the title of a monarch or nobility, as in "titular king" or "titular duke". Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to encompass other titles, such as a "titular character" in a play or movie, referring to the main or leading role. Today, "titular" is often used to describe a title that is derived from another title, such as a subsidiary title or a secondary title. It can also be used to describe a title that is honorary or titular in nature, rather than actual authority or power.


having a particular title or status but no real power or authority

có một danh hiệu hoặc địa vị cụ thể nhưng không có quyền lực hoặc thẩm quyền thực sự

  • the titular head of state

    người đứng đầu nhà nước trên danh nghĩa

Related words and phrases

the titular character of a book, play, film, etc. is the one mentioned in the title

nhân vật chính của một cuốn sách, vở kịch, bộ phim, v.v. là nhân vật được đề cập trong tiêu đề

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