Definition of titillate




The word "titillate" originated in the late 17th century from the Latin verb "titillāre," which means "tickle." In its original usage, "titillāre" referred to a literal tickling sensation, such as the act of stroking or rubbing something lightly to create a pleasure-inducing stimulation. However, over time, the word took on a more metaphorical meaning, particularly in the realm of literature and aesthetics. The 17th century playwright and poet, John Dryden, employed "titillāre" in this figurative sense to describe the kind of literary works that could excite or arouse the reader's senses and emotions, much like a tickling sensation. The English verb "titillate" is a direct adaptation of the Latin verb, and it likewise incorporates this figurative meaning. Today, "titillate" is used to mean "to arouse, excite or amuse, especially in a delicate or subtle manner." In common parlance, it often carries connotations of eroticism and sexual stimulation, particularly in the context of popular culture and media, where it is used to describe content or texts that might be deemed sexually explicit or provocative. Interestingly, despite its beginnings as a term for manual stimulation and excitement, "titillate" has taken on a largely negative semantic connotation in the modern lexicon, evoking ideas of trivialization and frivolity. This may be rooted in the fact that as the word evolved, it became associated with the kind of entertainment, pleasurable diversions, or stimulation that could also be seen as shallow or unimportant, and therefore subtracted from the seriousness or gravitas of any related context. In conclusion, "titillate" is a fascinating word with a rich, complex history, revealing much about the socio-cultural developments surrounding ideas of pleasure, desire, and morality as they evolved over time, from the literal to the figurative to the morally loaded, reflecting enduring debates over aesthetics, literacy, and decidence that continue to shape contemporary discourse around such issues.

  • The steamy scenes in the latest romance novel really titillate me as I imagine myself in the protagonist's shoes.

    Những cảnh nóng bỏng trong tiểu thuyết lãng mạn mới nhất thực sự khiến tôi thích thú khi tưởng tượng mình vào vai nhân vật chính.

  • The comedian's risqué jokes had the audience titillated and giggling.

    Những trò đùa khiếm nhã của diễn viên hài khiến khán giả thích thú và bật cười.

  • The erotic lyrics in the song left me feeling titillated and aroused.

    Lời bài hát khiêu gợi khiến tôi cảm thấy kích thích và hưng phấn.

  • Her seductive smile sent shivers down my spine and left me titillated.

    Nụ cười quyến rũ của cô ấy khiến tôi rùng mình và cảm thấy thích thú.

  • The provocative fashion show left the audience titillated and on the edge of their seats.

    Buổi trình diễn thời trang đầy khiêu khích này đã khiến khán giả vô cùng thích thú và nín thở.

  • The suspenseful thriller movie kept me on the edge of my seat, titillated and scared at the same time.

    Bộ phim kinh dị hồi hộp này khiến tôi hồi hộp, vừa thích thú vừa sợ hãi.

  • The taboo subject matter of the book left me feeling titillated and questioning my beliefs.

    Chủ đề cấm kỵ của cuốn sách khiến tôi cảm thấy thích thú và nghi ngờ niềm tin của mình.

  • The steamy romantic scenes on the TV series left viewers titillated and wanting more.

    Những cảnh lãng mạn nóng bỏng trong phim truyền hình khiến người xem thích thú và muốn xem thêm.

  • The evocative poetry of the author left me feeling titillated and emotionally moved.

    Thơ ca gợi cảm xúc của tác giả khiến tôi cảm thấy thích thú và xúc động.

  • The forbidden love affair between the two main characters had the audience titillated and invested in their story.

    Mối tình bị cấm đoán giữa hai nhân vật chính đã khiến khán giả thích thú và đắm chìm vào câu chuyện của họ.