Definition of threateningly


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The word "threateningly" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. The adjective "threatning" originally meant "summoning or commanding in a threatening manner" and was derived from the Old English words "þreat" meaning "threat" and "-ing" which formed a present participle. Over time, the spelling evolved to "threateningly", which is now used as an adverb to describe something that is done or said in a threatening manner. In modern English, "threateningly" is often used to describe someone or something that appears menacing or intimidating. For example, "The dog was threateningly close to the child", or "He spoke to her threateningly, making her feel uneasy". The word has a rich history, dating back over a thousand years, and continues to be used in everyday language today.


in a way that expresses a threat of harm or violence

theo cách thể hiện sự đe dọa gây tổn hại hoặc bạo lực

  • He glared at her threateningly.

    Anh ta trừng mắt nhìn cô đầy đe dọa.

Related words and phrases

in a way that shows that bad weather is likely

theo cách cho thấy thời tiết xấu có thể xảy ra

  • Clouds loomed threateningly behind the trees.

    Những đám mây lờ mờ ẩn hiện đầy đe dọa sau những tán cây.