Definition of volatile


bay hơi


The word "volatile" originated from the Middle French word "volatil" meaning "capable of flight" or "fleeting." It was borrowed into English in the late 14th century, where it was initially used to describe things that could easily evaporate or escape into the air, such as certain liquids or gases. The term gained scientific significance during the Enlightenment era, as chemists began to differentiate between substances that were highly reactive and unstable, as opposed to those that were more stable and inert. Volatile substances were defined as those which readily changed into a vapor or gas at normal temperatures or pressures, while less volatile substances required higher temperatures or pressures to evaporate. In modern chemistry, the term "volatile" is still used to describe substances that readily vaporize at typical environmental conditions, making them prone to evaporation and relatively short-lived in the atmosphere. This includes volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are released into the air through various human activities and can contribute to air pollution and climate change. Understanding the volatility of substances is therefore crucial in fields such as environmental science and chemical engineering, where careful handling and mitigation strategies are needed to prevent unnecessary harm to human health and the environment.


changing easily from one mood to another

dễ dàng thay đổi từ tâm trạng này sang tâm trạng khác

  • a highly volatile personality

    một tính cách rất dễ thay đổi

Extra examples:
  • Edwards was a highly volatile character.

    Edwards là một nhân vật rất dễ thay đổi.

  • He was a very volatile character when playing.

    Anh ấy là một nhân vật rất dễ thay đổi khi chơi.

  • She was a more volatile personality than her sister.

    Cô ấy là người có tính cách dễ thay đổi hơn chị gái mình.

  • She was a top model famed for her volatile behaviour.

    Cô là một người mẫu hàng đầu nổi tiếng với cách cư xử thất thường.

likely to change suddenly; easily becoming dangerous

có khả năng thay đổi đột ngột; dễ dàng trở nên nguy hiểm

  • This is a highly volatile situation from which riots might develop.

    Đây là một tình huống rất bất ổn mà từ đó bạo loạn có thể phát triển.

  • Exporting the product was difficult due to a volatile exchange rate.

    Xuất khẩu sản phẩm gặp khó khăn do tỷ giá biến động.

  • a potentially volatile situation

    một tình huống có khả năng biến động

Related words and phrases

that changes easily into a gas

dễ dàng biến đổi thành khí

  • Petrol is a volatile substance.

    Xăng là chất dễ bay hơi.

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