Definition of sulkily


buồn rầu


The word "sulkily" has its roots in Old English. It is a participial form of the verb "sulk," which means to pout or sulk in a manner. The earliest recorded usage of "sulkily" dates back to around the 14th century. During this time, people would "sulk" as a way of expressing disgust, anger, or disappointment. Over time, "sulkily" evolved to describe the manner in which someone is sulking. It implies a sense of gloominess, resentment, and sometimes even sullenness. For example, "She sulkily refused to talk to her sibling after the argument." Throughout history, "sulkily" has been used in various contexts, from literature to everyday conversations. Its origins may be traced back to Old English, but its meaning and usage have been refined and adapted over the centuries to describe the complexities of human emotions.

  • Emily slouched in her chair and sulked when her parents told her it was time to leave the park.

    Emily ngồi thụp xuống ghế và hờn dỗi khi bố mẹ bảo cô bé phải rời khỏi công viên.

  • Jake couldn't believe his luck when he won the game, but his sister sulked and refused to congratulate him.

    Jake không thể tin vào vận may của mình khi chiến thắng trò chơi, nhưng chị gái anh lại hờn dỗi và từ chối chúc mừng anh.

  • Sarah stormed out of the room with a pout, sulkily refusing to follow her friend's advice.

    Sarah giận dữ bỏ ra khỏi phòng, giận dỗi từ chối nghe theo lời khuyên của bạn mình.

  • Michael slouched against the wall and sulked, his feet tapping on the floor in frustration.

    Michael dựa lưng vào tường và hờn dỗi, hai chân gõ nhịp xuống sàn vì thất vọng.

  • Amanda sighed heavily and slumped down in her chair, sulking after she failed to ace her exam.

    Amanda thở dài nặng nề và ngồi phịch xuống ghế, buồn bã sau khi không đạt điểm cao trong kỳ thi.

  • John scowled and sulked as his wife reminded him it was time to clean the house.

    John cau mày và hờn dỗi khi vợ nhắc anh rằng đã đến lúc dọn dẹp nhà cửa.

  • Jason leaned against the kitchen counter and made a face, sulkily watching his family enjoy dinner without him.

    Jason dựa vào quầy bếp và nhăn mặt, buồn bã nhìn gia đình thưởng thức bữa tối mà không có anh.

  • Emily sat on the couch with her arms crossed, sulking as she watched her friends have fun without her.

    Emily ngồi trên ghế dài, khoanh tay, hờn dỗi khi nhìn bạn bè vui vẻ mà không có mình.

  • Sarah sloped off to her room, sulking after her dad refused to buy her a new phone.

    Sarah chạy vội về phòng, buồn bã vì bố cô từ chối mua cho cô một chiếc điện thoại mới.

  • Tom gritted his teeth and sulked as his opponents beat him in the match, his eyes filled with frustration.

    Tom nghiến răng và hờn dỗi khi đối thủ đánh bại anh trong trận đấu, đôi mắt anh tràn đầy sự thất vọng.