Definition of stratum


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The word "stratum" originates from the Latin word "stratum," which means "layer" or "story." In Latin, the word was used to describe the layers of rock or earth, as well as the layers of the skin. The word was later adopted into Middle English as "stratum," and has since been used in various fields, including geology, biology, and architecture. In geology, a stratum refers to a layer of rock or sediment, often with specific characteristics or features. In biology, the word is used to describe the layers of skin, including the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. In architecture, a stratum can refer to the layers of a building, including the foundation, walls, and roof. The word "stratum" has also been used in a figurative sense to describe the layers of society, culture, or history. For example, a social stratum may refer to a specific rank or level within a social hierarchy.


a layer or set of layers of rock, earth, etc.

một lớp hoặc tập hợp các lớp đá, đất, v.v.

  • a thick stratum of flint

    một lớp đá lửa dày

  • limestone strata

    tầng đá vôi

  • Excavated coins can often be dated from other objects in the same stratum.

    Những đồng xu được khai quật thường có thể có niên đại từ các đồ vật khác trong cùng tầng.

a class in a society

một giai cấp trong xã hội

  • people from all social strata

    mọi người thuộc mọi tầng lớp xã hội