Definition of gradation


cấp độ


The word "gradation" has its origin in the Latin language. The Latin word "gradatio" refers to a step or a step-by-step process. This Latin term is derived from the verb "gradare," which means "to step" or "to pace." The concept of gradation was initially used in the field of medicine to describe the gradual progression of a disease or a symptom. The word "gradation" made its way into Middle English from the Old French "gradation," which was derived from the Latin "gradatio." In English, the word "gradation" initially referred to the process of gradual development or increase. Over time, the term expanded to encompass other meanings, including the gradual transition from one stage to another, the process of classifying something into a series of steps or degrees, and the adjustment or matching of something to a standard. Today, the word "gradation" is commonly used in various fields, including education, psychology, and quality control.


any of the small changes or levels that something is divided into; the process or result of something changing gradually

bất kỳ thay đổi hoặc cấp độ nhỏ nào mà một cái gì đó được chia thành; quá trình hoặc kết quả của một cái gì đó thay đổi dần dần

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    sự chuyển màu

  • gradation in size

    phân cấp kích thước

a mark showing a division on a scale

một dấu hiệu cho thấy sự phân chia trên thang đo

  • the gradations on a thermometer

    sự chia độ trên nhiệt kế

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