Definition of stateliness


sự uy nghi


The word "stateliness" has its roots in the 15th century. It comes from the Old French word "estat," meaning "state" or "condition," and the suffix "-liness," which forms an abstract noun indicating a quality or state. Throughout history, the word "stateliness" has evolved to convey a sense of grandeur, dignity, and nobility. In its earliest sense, "stateliness" referred to the quality of being majestic or imposing, often in reference to physical appearance or regal bearing. Over time, the word's connotations expanded to include moral attributes such as integrity, honor, and refinement. Today, "stateliness" is often applied to describe a person, place, or thing that exudes a sense of prestige, elegance, or commanding presence.


impressive size, appearance or manner

kích thước, hình dáng hoặc cách thức ấn tượng

  • the stateliness of this immense city

    sự uy nghiêm của thành phố rộng lớn này

a slow and formal quality

một chất lượng chậm rãi và trang trọng

  • a seventeenth-century world of stateliness and gentle formality

    một thế giới thế kỷ XVII của sự uy nghiêm và trang trọng nhẹ nhàng