Definition of speculative


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The word "speculative" originally derives from the Latin speculātīvus, which can be translated to "looking at," "observing," or "contemplating." In medieval times, speculatio referred to a particular monastic practice that involved introspection, contemplation, and reflection on spiritual texts and teachings. Over time, the term began to take on a more financial and economic connotation. "Speculation" came to describe activities that involved taking calculated risks in the hopes of earning significant profits. By the 18th century, "speculative" was being used to describe financial investments that were not immediately productive or profitable, but rather held the potential for future returns. Today, "speculative" is widely used in business and finance to describe investments, deals, or projects that carry a degree of risk or uncertainty. In other fields, such as philosophy or science, the term may be used to describe hypotheses or theories that have not yet been proven or confirmed. In each case, "speculative" suggests a degree of risk, uncertainty, or conjecture, implying that the outcomes or returns are not guaranteed or certain. However, the potential for reward or gain can also make such endeavors attractive to those who are willing to accept the risks involved.


based on guessing or on opinions that have been formed without knowing all the facts

dựa trên suy đoán hoặc dựa trên ý kiến ​​đã được hình thành mà không biết tất cả sự thật

  • The report is highly speculative and should be ignored.

    Báo cáo mang tính suy đoán cao và nên được bỏ qua.

showing that you are trying to guess something

cho thấy bạn đang cố đoán điều gì đó

  • She cast a speculative look at Kate.

    Cô ném một cái nhìn suy đoán về phía Kate.

done in the hope of making a profit but involving the risk of losing money

được thực hiện với hy vọng kiếm được lợi nhuận nhưng có nguy cơ mất tiền

  • speculative investment

    đầu tư mang tính đầu cơ