Definition of probability


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The word "probability" originated from the Latin word "probabilis," which meant "likely" or "probable." The term was first used in a mathematical context by the French mathematician Chester G. D'Alembert in the mid-18th century. D'Alembert, in his book "Traité de Dynamique," introduced the term "probability" to describe the likelihood of different outcomes in physical experiments. He used it to represent the relative frequency of an event's occurrence in a large series of trials. In the following century, the concept of probability was further developed by mathematicians like Pierre-Simon Laplace and Thoma Bayes. They established the mathematical theory of probability, which laid the foundation for modern statistical analysis. Today, the word "probability" is widely used in various fields such as science, engineering, finance, and technology to measure the likelihood of an event or outcome. It has come to be a crucial tool in making informed decisions and evaluating risks.


how likely something is to happen

khả năng xảy ra điều gì đó như thế nào

  • The probability is that prices will rise rapidly.

    Khả năng là giá sẽ tăng nhanh.

  • There seemed to be a high probability of success.

    Dường như có khả năng thành công cao.

Extra examples:
  • We can say with a high degree of probability that the poem was written by Shakespeare.

    Chúng ta có thể nói với khả năng cao rằng bài thơ được viết bởi Shakespeare.

  • genetic factors that influence the probability of becoming sick

    Yếu tố di truyền ảnh hưởng đến khả năng mắc bệnh

  • measures to increase the probability for a sustained recovery

    các biện pháp nhằm tăng khả năng phục hồi bền vững

Related words and phrases

a thing that is likely to happen

một điều có thể xảy ra

  • A fall in interest rates is a strong probability in the present economic climate.

    Lãi suất giảm là điều có thể xảy ra trong bối cảnh kinh tế hiện nay.

  • It now seems a probability rather than just a possibility.

    Bây giờ nó có vẻ là một khả năng chứ không chỉ là một khả năng.

a ratio showing the chances that a particular thing will happen

một tỷ lệ cho thấy cơ hội mà một điều cụ thể sẽ xảy ra

  • There is a 60 per cent probability that the population will be infected with the disease.

    Có 60% khả năng dân số sẽ bị nhiễm bệnh.


(on) the balance of evidence/probability
(formal)(considering) the evidence on both sides of an argument, to find the most likely reason for or result of something
  • The balance of evidence suggests the Liberal party's decline began before the First World War.
  • The coroner thought that on the balance of probabilities, the pilot had suffered a stroke just before the crash.
  • (on) the balance of probability/evidence
    (formal)(considering) the evidence on both sides of an argument, to find the most likely reason for or result of something
  • The coroner thought that on the balance of probabilities, the pilot had suffered a stroke just before the crash.
  • in all probability…
    it is very likely that
  • In all probability he failed to understand the consequences of his actions.
  • In all probability she wouldn't come even if we invited her.