Definition of solicit


gạ gẫm


The word "solicit" originated in the medieval Latin language, specifically in the form "sollicitare." This term represented a combination of two Latin words - "sollus," which meant "whole" or "entire," and "licitus," which meant "lawful." The initial meaning of "sollicitare" reflected this etymology, since it signified the act of "engaging someone entirely or legitimately." In medieval Latin, this usage often referred to the efforts of a church official, such as a confessor or a bishop, to persuade a person - perhaps through repeated questioning or advice - to embrace a religious vocation or a particular behavior considered wholesome and lawful by the Church. These ideas continued to shape the usage of "solicit" in early English, where the word first appeared in the 1300s. At this time, it still conveyed the concept of urging or persuading someone to do something that was desirable or commendable, such as pray or perform an act of charity. By the 1400s, "solicit" was gradually being used in a more general sense, implying an overt demand, request, or appeal for some advantage, be it material, financial, or emotional in nature. Today, the meaning of "solicit" has evolved further, encapsulating a broader range of acts, from a simple request for assistance to more intricate legal or commercial strategies aimed at securing a profit or a contract. The root meaning of the word, however, has not substantially altered since its inception in medieval Latin – and it continues to evoke the shades of sympathy, persuasion, and legitimacy that initially sparked its creation.


to ask somebody for something, such as support, money or information; to try to get something or persuade somebody to do something

nhờ ai đó giúp đỡ điều gì đó, chẳng hạn như hỗ trợ, tiền bạc hoặc thông tin; cố gắng để có được cái gì đó hoặc thuyết phục ai đó làm điều gì đó

  • They were planning to solicit funds from a number of organizations.

    Họ đang lên kế hoạch huy động vốn từ một số tổ chức.

  • They send representatives abroad to solicit business.

    Họ cử đại diện ra nước ngoài để thu hút kinh doanh.

  • Historians and critics are solicited for their opinions.

    Các nhà sử học và nhà phê bình được trưng cầu ý kiến ​​của họ.

  • to solicit for money

    để xin tiền

  • Volunteers are being solicited to assist with the project.

    Các tình nguyện viên đang được kêu gọi hỗ trợ cho dự án.

Extra examples:
  • She solicited support from other teachers.

    Cô đã kêu gọi sự hỗ trợ từ các giáo viên khác.

  • Several members were persuaded to solicit for his removal from office.

    Một số thành viên đã bị thuyết phục để yêu cầu loại bỏ ông khỏi chức vụ.

to offer to have sex with people in return for money

đề nghị quan hệ tình dục với người khác để đổi lấy tiền

  • Prostitutes solicited openly in the streets.

    Gái mại dâm được gạ gẫm một cách công khai trên đường phố.

  • the crime of soliciting

    tội gạ gẫm