Definition of beg


ăn xin


The origin of the word "beg" can be traced back to the Old English verb "beggan," which means "to pray" or "to ask." This verb is related to the Old English noun "begga" meaning "one who prays" or "suppliant." During the Middle English period, the meaning of "beg" shifted to "to ask humbly" or "to solicit" due to the social and economic changes happening at the time. In the feudal society, begging became a common practice among the poor and needy, who had to humbly seek help from their lords or other wealthy people. The word "beg" also acquired negative connotations during this period, as it became associated with poverty, desperation, and dependency. As a result, begging was often seen as a sign of weakness and a lack of self-sufficiency. Today, the meaning of "beg" has continued to evolve, and it can also be used to express urgency or insistence, as in "I beg you to listen to me." However, its association with poverty, need, and humility remains a prominent aspect of its usage in modern English.


to ask somebody for something especially in an anxious way because you want or need it very much

yêu cầu ai đó một điều gì đó đặc biệt một cách lo lắng bởi vì bạn muốn hoặc cần nó rất nhiều

  • Now you have to beg and plead.

    Bây giờ bạn phải cầu xin và nài nỉ.

  • He wants to see them beg for mercy.

    Anh ấy muốn nhìn thấy họ cầu xin lòng thương xót.

  • They begged him for help.

    Họ cầu xin anh giúp đỡ.

  • Forgive me, I beg you!

    Hãy tha thứ cho tôi, tôi cầu xin bạn!

  • She begged permission to leave.

    Cô ấy xin phép được rời đi.

  • I managed to beg a lift from a passing motorist.

    Tôi cố gắng cầu xin một người lái xe đi ngang qua cho đi nhờ.

  • Can I beg a favour of you?

    Tôi có thể cầu xin bạn một ân huệ được không?

  • ‘Give me one more chance,’ he begged (her).

    “Hãy cho anh một cơ hội nữa,” anh cầu xin (cô).

  • She begged him not to go.

    Cô cầu xin anh đừng đi.

  • He begged to be told the truth.

    Anh cầu xin được nói sự thật.

  • She begged that she be allowed to go.

    Cô ấy cầu xin rằng cô ấy được phép đi.

  • She begged that she should be allowed to go.

    Cô cầu xin rằng cô nên được phép đi.

  • Don't leave me here, I beg of you!

    Đừng bỏ tôi ở đây, tôi cầu xin bạn!

  • I have come to apologize and to beg your forgiveness.

    Tôi đến để xin lỗi và cầu xin sự tha thứ của bạn.

Extra examples:
  • We went to him to beg for forgiveness.

    Chúng tôi đến gặp anh ấy để cầu xin sự tha thứ.

  • In the end they almost begged him to take the job.

    Cuối cùng họ gần như cầu xin anh ta nhận công việc đó.

  • We humbly beg Your Majesty to show mercy.

    Chúng tôi khiêm tốn cầu xin Bệ hạ tỏ lòng thương xót.

to ask somebody for money, food, etc., especially in the street

xin tiền, đồ ăn, v.v. của ai đó, đặc biệt là trên đường phố

  • A young woman was begging in the street.

    Một phụ nữ trẻ đang ăn xin trên đường phố.

  • a begging letter (= one that asks somebody for money)

    một lá thư cầu xin (= một lá thư xin tiền ai đó)

  • a begging bowl (= used to beg for money with)

    một cái bát ăn xin (= dùng để xin tiền)

  • The children were begging for food.

    Những đứa trẻ đang xin ăn.

  • They will have to beg for money from tourists.

    Họ sẽ phải xin tiền từ khách du lịch.

  • We managed to beg a meal from the cafe owner.

    Chúng tôi xin được một bữa ăn từ chủ quán cà phê.

  • They went off to beg food.

    Họ đi xin ăn.

if a dog begs, it sits on its back legs with its front legs in the air, waiting to be given something

Nếu một con chó cầu xin, nó sẽ ngồi bằng hai chân sau với hai chân trước giơ lên ​​​​chờ được cho thứ gì đó

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Phrasal verbs


beg leave to do something
(formal)to ask somebody for permission to do something
  • I beg leave to add a few comments of my own.
  • be going begging
    (British English, informal)if something is going begging, it is available because nobody else wants it
  • I’ll have that last cake if it’s going begging.
  • beg somebody’s pardon
    (formal, especially British English)to ask somebody to forgive you for something you have said or done
  • He returned to beg her pardon for his sudden outburst.
  • beg the question
    to make somebody want to ask a question that has not yet been answered
  • All of which begs the question as to who will fund the project.
  • to talk about something as if it were definitely true, even though it might not be
  • These assumptions beg the question that children learn languages more easily than adults.
  • I beg your pardon
    (formal)used to tell somebody that you are sorry for something you have said or done
  • I beg your pardon, I thought that was my coat.
  • used to ask somebody to repeat what they have just said because you did not hear
  • ‘It's on Duke Street.’ ‘I beg your pardon.’ ‘Duke Street.’
  • (British English)used to tell somebody that you are offended by what they have just said or by the way that they have said it
  • ‘Just go away.’ ‘I beg your pardon!’
  • I beg to differ
    used to say politely that you do not agree with something that has just been said
  • ‘At least she is good at her job.’ ‘Oh, I beg to differ.’