Definition of smite




The word "smite" has a rich history dating back to Old English. It comes from the Proto-Germanic word "smitan", which means "to hit or strike". This Germanic root is also related to the Indo-European root "sme-", which means "to strike" or "to hit". In Old English, "smite" was used as a verb, meaning "to hit or strike with force", often in a physical sense, such as striking a blow or hitting a target. Over time, the word took on a more figurative meaning, referring to a moral or divine judgment, such as being smitten by God or afflicted with a curse. The word "smite" has undergone many changes in tone and connotation over the centuries, but it remains a powerful and evocative word with a strong sense of action and consequence.


to hit somebody/something hard; to attack or punish somebody

đánh ai/cái gì thật mạnh; tấn công hoặc trừng phạt ai đó

to have a great effect on somebody, especially an unpleasant or serious one

có ảnh hưởng lớn đến ai đó, đặc biệt là một người khó chịu hoặc nghiêm trọng

  • Suddenly my conscience smote me.

    Đột nhiên lương tâm tôi cắn rứt.

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