Definition of slyness




The word "slyness" originates from the Old English word "slēan," meaning "to strike, to hit, to kill." Over time, this evolved into "slēh," meaning "cunning," likely due to the association of striking or attacking with cunning strategy and stealth. By the 14th century, "sly" emerged as a word describing someone who was cunning or deceitful, and "slyness" followed soon after to describe this trait. The connection to the original meaning of "strike" might seem obscure, but it highlights how language can evolve through association and metaphorical use.


behaviour that is secret and dishonest, often intending to trick people

hành vi bí mật và không trung thực, thường có ý định lừa gạt mọi người

Related words and phrases

behaviour that suggests that you know something secret that other people do not know

hành vi gợi ý rằng bạn biết điều gì đó bí mật mà người khác không biết