Definition of sludge




The word "sludge" originated in the early 19th century, specifically around 1815, as a nautical term. Sailors used the term to describe the thick, oily, and dirty residue that accumulated in the bottom of fuel tanks and boilers on ships. This residue was a byproduct of burning fuel oils, which are heavy, tar-like substances with high viscosity. The' sludge' was a concern for sailors as it often caused machinery breakdowns, leading to expensive repairs and delays. Later, the term "sludge" was applied to similar substances that formed in industrial processes, such as sewage treatment plants and metal working facilities. In these contexts, sludge refers to the waste materials that separate from a liquid effluent as impurities settle to the bottom, forming a thick, viscous deposit. Today, "sludge" is a commonly used term in environmental sciences to describe waste materials that require proper management and treatment to prevent environmental harm.


thick, soft, wet mud or a substance that looks like it

bùn dày, mềm, ẩm ướt hoặc vật chất trông giống như vậy

  • There was some sludge at the bottom of the tank.

    Có một ít bùn ở đáy bể.

Related words and phrases

industrial or human waste that has been treated

chất thải công nghiệp hoặc con người đã được xử lý

  • industrial sludge

    bùn công nghiệp

  • the use of sewage sludge as a fertilizer on farm land

    sử dụng bùn thải làm phân bón trên đất nông nghiệp