Definition of slimness


sự mảnh mai


The word "slimness" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. The term "slim" originally meant " thin, spare, or lean" and was derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*slimiz", which is also the source of the Modern German word "schlank". In the 14th century, the adjective "slim" gained its modern sense of "thin and in good physical condition". The corresponding noun "slimness" emerged in the 15th century, referring to the quality or state of being slim. Over time, the connotations of "slimness" shifted, and it began to connote not only physical fitness but also a desirable aesthetic quality. Today, "slimness" is often associated with fitness, health, and beauty, and is used to describe individuals or objects that are slender and well-proportioned.


the quality of being thin, in a way that is attractive

chất lượng của sự mỏng manh, theo một cách hấp dẫn

  • Her slimness and refined features make her unusually elegant.

    Vẻ thanh mảnh và nét mặt thanh tú khiến cô trở nên thanh lịch lạ thường.

Related words and phrases

the quality of being thinner than usual

chất lượng mỏng hơn bình thường

  • The new slimness of the machine makes it even more portable.

    Độ mỏng mới của máy làm cho nó thậm chí còn di động hơn.

the fact of being smaller than you would like or expect

thực tế là nhỏ hơn bạn mong muốn hoặc mong đợi

  • The slimness of his party's majority may not be enough to keep him in power.

    Sự mỏng manh của đa số trong đảng của ông có thể không đủ để giữ ông nắm quyền.

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