Definition of shoe




Definition of undefined

The word "shoe" has a long and intriguing history. The earliest known ancestor of the modern English word "shoe" is the Old English word "sceo", which referred to a cover or sheath for the foot. This sense of covering or protecting the foot is still present in words like "shoe" and "sheathe". The modern English word "shoe" likely emerged from the Old French word "eschue", which was derived from the Latin "calceus", meaning sandal. The Latin "calceus" is also the source of the Modern English word "calcei", which refers to a type of sandal. Over time, the meaning of the word "shoe" expanded to include not just sandals, but any type of footwear that covers and protects the foot. Today, the word "shoe" is a staple of everyday language, and is used to refer to a wide range of footwear styles, from high heels to sneakers.


one of a pair of objects usually made of leather or plastic that you wear on your feet

một trong những đồ vật thường được làm bằng da hoặc nhựa mà bạn mang ở chân

  • a pair of shoes

    một đôi giày

  • patent leather/suede shoes

    giày da lộn/da sáng chế

  • comfortable/sensible shoes

    giày thoải mái/hợp lý

  • high-heeled shoes

    giày cao gót

  • She soon regretted wearing her new shoes.

    Cô sớm hối hận vì đã mang đôi giày mới của mình.

  • He ran out into the street despite having no shoes on.

    Anh ta chạy ra đường mặc dù không mang giày.

  • I was putting my shoes on when the phone rang.

    Tôi đang xỏ giày vào thì điện thoại reo.

  • He took his shoes and socks off.

    Anh cởi giày và tất ra.

  • What's your shoe size?

    Cỡ giày của bạn là bao nhiêu?

  • a shoe brush

    bàn chải đánh giày

  • shoe polish

    xi đánh giày

  • Florence has some fantastic shoe shops.

    Florence có một số cửa hàng giày tuyệt vời.

  • The sole of the shoe is made of hard leather.

    Đế giày được làm bằng da cứng.

Extra examples:
  • I've had my shoes resoled.

    Tôi đã sửa lại đôi giày của mình.

  • She wore a dark blue dress with matching shoes.

    Cô mặc một chiếc váy màu xanh đậm với đôi giày phù hợp.

  • The shoes, though elegant, pinched her feet terribly.

    Đôi giày tuy sang trọng nhưng lại chèn ép chân cô một cách khủng khiếp.

  • a sturdy pair of walking shoes

    một đôi giày đi bộ chắc chắn

  • to break in a new pair of shoes

    đi thử một đôi giày mới

a piece of curved iron that is attached with nails to the bottom of a horse’s foot. A horseshoe is often used as a symbol of good luck.

một miếng sắt cong được đóng bằng đinh vào dưới chân ngựa. Móng ngựa thường được sử dụng như một biểu tượng của sự may mắn.


be in somebody’s shoes | put yourself in somebody’s shoes
to be in, or imagine that you are in, another person’s situation, especially when it is an unpleasant or difficult one
  • I wouldn't like to be in your shoes when they find out about it.
  • Well what would you do? Just put yourself in my shoes.
  • fill somebody’s shoes/boots
    to do somebody’s job in an acceptable way when they are not there
    if I were in your shoes
    used to introduce a piece of advice you are giving to somebody
  • If I were in your shoes, I'd resign immediately.
  • if the shoe fits (, wear it)
    if you feel that a remark applies to you, you should accept it and take it as a warning or criticism
    shake in your boots/shoes
    (informal)to be very frightened or nervous
    the shoe is on the other foot
    used to say that a situation has changed so that somebody now has power or authority over the person who used to have power or authority over them
    step into somebody’s shoes
    to continue a job or the work that somebody else has started
  • She stepped into her father’s shoes when he retired.