Definition of shingle


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The word "shingle" has a fascinating history! The term originated in the 17th century, derived from the Middle English word "shynge," meaning "to shake" or "to move hastily." This refers to the way soldiers would quickly remove their helmets or caps, known as shingles, during an attack or when being addressed by their superiors. Over time, the term "shingle" took on a new meaning, specifically referring to thin, overlapping pieces of material, such as wood, used for roofing or wallpaper. In the 19th century, the term became popularized in the United States, particularly in the context of building and construction. Today, the word "shingle" can refer to a wide range of applications, from roofing materials to shingles for footwear. Despite the shift in meaning, the word retains its original connotation of movement or action, evoking the idea of swift removal or covering.


a mass of small smooth stones on a beach or at the side of a river

một khối đá nhỏ mịn trên bãi biển hoặc bên bờ sông

  • a shingle beach

    bãi biển sỏi

a small flat piece of wood that is used to cover a wall or roof of a building

một miếng gỗ phẳng nhỏ được dùng để che tường hoặc mái nhà của một tòa nhà

a board with a sign on it, in front of a doctor’s or lawyer’s office

một tấm bảng có biển báo ở phía trước phòng khám bác sĩ hoặc luật sư

  • He hung out his own shingle (= started a business as a doctor or lawyer).

    Ông ấy đã tự mình mở một doanh nghiệp (= khởi nghiệp với tư cách là bác sĩ hoặc luật sư).