Definition of nail


móng (tay, chân) móng vuốt


Definition of undefined

The word "nail" has a fascinating origin. It comes from the Old English word "nagel," which was derived from the Proto-Germanic word "nagiz," meaning "to strike" or "to hit." This is because ancient blacksmiths would strike hot metal to shape and form nails. The word "nagel" was later influenced by the Middle English word "nailen," which meant "to fasten" or "to pin." Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word evolved to refer specifically to small pieces of metal used for fastening materials together. Today, we use nails for a wide range of purposes, from building and construction to crafting and DIY projects.


the thin hard layer covering the outer tip of the fingers or toes

lớp cứng mỏng bao phủ đầu ngoài của ngón tay hoặc ngón chân

  • Stop biting your nails!

    Đừng cắn móng tay nữa!

  • nail clippers

    Kéo cắt móng tay

Extra examples:
  • He screamed as she dug her nails into his shoulders.

    Anh hét lên khi cô bấm móng tay vào vai anh.

  • I bite my nails when I'm nervous.

    Tôi cắn móng tay khi lo lắng.

  • I was trying to grow my nails.

    Tôi đang cố gắng nuôi móng tay.

  • I wore acrylic nails for two months.

    Tôi đã làm móng acrylic trong hai tháng.

  • She painted her nails bright red.

    Cô sơn móng tay màu đỏ tươi.

  • There was dirt under his nails.

    Có bụi bẩn dưới móng tay của anh ấy.

Related words and phrases

a small thin pointed piece of metal with a flat head, used for joining pieces of wood together or hanging things on a wall

một miếng kim loại nhỏ, nhọn, có đầu dẹt, dùng để ghép các mảnh gỗ lại với nhau hoặc treo đồ lên tường

  • She hammered the nail in.

    Cô đóng chiếc đinh vào.

  • He knocked the nail into the wall.

    Anh ta đập chiếc đinh vào tường.

Related words and phrases