Definition of shatteringly


một cách tan vỡ


The adverb "shatteringly" is a rather rare and unusual word that is thought to have originated in the mid-19th century. Its earliest recorded use dates back to 1848 in an American publication. The word is believed to have been coined by combining the verb "shatter," meaning to break or crush, with the suffix "-ingly," which is a common way to form adverbs indicating a manner or degree (e.g., "hurtfully," "beautifully"). In effect, "shatteringly" means causing shattering or breaking, often with great force or impact. Its usage is often intentionally dramatic or exaggerated, emphasizing the intense or catastrophic effect of the action. For example, "The accident was shatteringly loud" or "The news was shatteringly devastating."


in a way that shocks and upsets you very much

theo cách khiến bạn bị sốc và rất buồn

  • a shatteringly emotional experience

    một trải nghiệm cảm xúc tan vỡ

extremely loud

cực kỳ ồn ào

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