Definition of sentimentally


một cách tình cảm


The word "sentimentally" has its roots in the 15th century. It comes from the Latin "sentire," meaning "to feel" or "to perceive," and the suffix "-ally," which forms an adverb. Initially, the word "sentimentally" meant "in a manner that is guided by reason and emotion." Over time, its meaning evolved to emphasize the emotional aspect, and by the 17th century, it came to mean "in a manner that is characterized by strong emotions, especially a preference for emotional appeal over reason." This sense of the word is often used to describe something that is overly emotional or melodramatic, as in "the film was criticized for being emotionally manipulative and sentimental." Today, "sentimentally" is often used to describe something that is emotionally engaging, nostalgic, or touching, often in a way that is considered excessive or overly sensitive.


in a way that is connected with your emotions, rather than reason

theo cách liên quan đến cảm xúc của bạn, thay vì lý trí

  • She was sentimentally attached to her family home and didn't want to leave.

    Bà rất gắn bó với ngôi nhà gia đình mình và không muốn rời đi.

in a way that produces emotions such as sympathy, romantic love, or being sad, which may be too strong or not appropriate; in a way that shows that you feel these emotions too much

theo cách tạo ra những cảm xúc như sự đồng cảm, tình yêu lãng mạn hoặc buồn bã, có thể quá mạnh hoặc không phù hợp; theo cách cho thấy rằng bạn cảm thấy những cảm xúc này quá nhiều

  • The novel ends sentimentally with the lovers reunited in death.

    Cuốn tiểu thuyết kết thúc đầy cảm xúc khi hai người yêu nhau đoàn tụ sau khi chết.