Definition of sensationally


một cách giật gân


The word "sensationally" has a fascinating history! The term dates back to the late 17th century, when it was initially used to describe something that caused a violent sensation or commotion. This sense of excitement and disturbance was derived from the Latin words "sensus" meaning "sensation" and "abilis" meaning "able" or "capable". Over time, the word's meaning evolved to encompass a broader range of connotations. By the 19th century, "sensationally" had taken on a more positive tone, implying something that was shocking, exciting, or attention-grabbing. This sense of sensationalism was often associated with tabloid journalism, sensationalized news reporting, and even melodramatic literature. Today, "sensationally" is commonly used to describe something that is extraordinary, remarkable, or attention-grabbing, often in a figurative sense. Whether it's a sensational revelation, a sensational performance, or a sensational product launch, the word has become an integral part of our everyday language.


in a way that causes great surprise, excitement or interest

theo cách gây ra sự ngạc nhiên, phấn khích hoặc hứng thú lớn

  • They won sensationally against the top team.

    Họ đã giành chiến thắng ngoạn mục trước đội bóng hàng đầu.

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in a way that tries to get your interest by presenting facts or events as worse or more shocking than they really are

theo cách cố gắng thu hút sự chú ý của bạn bằng cách trình bày các sự kiện hoặc sự thật tệ hơn hoặc gây sốc hơn thực tế

  • The incident was sensationally reported in the press.

    Vụ việc đã được báo chí đưa tin một cách giật gân.

in an extremely good or wonderful way

một cách cực kỳ tốt hoặc tuyệt vời

  • He's sensationally good-looking!

    Anh ấy đẹp trai một cách kinh ngạc!

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