Definition of seminal


tinh dịch


The word "seminal" has its roots in Latin and the biological concept of seeds. In Latin, the word "seminalis" means "of or pertaining to seeds" or "seed-like." This term was used to describe the quality of being fertile, productive, or having the power to generate new life. The Latin word is derived from "semen," meaning "seed." In a broader sense, the word "seminal" came to be associated with ideas that were considered influential, groundbreaking, or pioneering. A seminal work, for example, is one that lays the foundation for a new field or sets the tone for an entire genre. The word has also been used in the context of human reproduction, to describe something that is related to or causes the origin of something new. Over time, the term "seminal" has evolved to encompass a range of meanings, from biology to art, literature, and even cultural movements. Despite its diverse applications, the core idea of "seminal" remains rooted in the concept of seeds, suggesting the potential for growth, innovation, and new beginnings.


very important and having a strong influence on later developments

rất quan trọng và có ảnh hưởng mạnh mẽ đến sự phát triển sau này

  • a seminal work/article/study

    một tác phẩm/bài viết/nghiên cứu có tính chất khai sáng

  • His book on social policy proved to be seminal.

    Cuốn sách của ông về chính sách xã hội đã chứng tỏ là có ý nghĩa quan trọng.

of or containing semen

của hoặc chứa tinh dịch

  • seminal fluid

    dịch tinh dịch