Definition of scanty


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The word "scanty" originally came from the Middle English word "scont" which meant "sparse or insufficient". This word, in turn, can be traced back to the Old English word "scencan" which had similar meanings. The roots of "scencan" can be found in Proto-Germanic, in a word that meant "to be sparse or thin". The Old English word underwent some changes in pronunciation and spelling over time, leading to the development of "scont" in Middle English. The meaning of "scanty" has stayed relatively unchanged throughout its history, and it is still used today to describe things that are in short supply or lacking. Whether it's scanty rainfall, scanty supplies, or a scanty amount of time, the word "scanty" helps us communicate that something is not sufficient or abundant.


too little in amount for what is needed

số lượng quá ít so với những gì cần thiết

  • Details of his life are scanty.

    Chi tiết về cuộc đời của ông rất ít.

  • His theory is based on rather scanty evidence.

    Lý thuyết của ông dựa trên bằng chứng khá ít ỏi.

very small and not covering much of your body

rất nhỏ và không bao phủ nhiều cơ thể của bạn

  • a scanty bikini

    một bộ bikini ít ỏi