Definition of skimpy


sơ sài


"Skimpy" originated from the word "skim," which originally meant to "remove something from the surface of a liquid." This evolved to mean "to remove something in a superficial way," and by extension, "to be thin or scanty." The first recorded use of "skimpy" was in the 1930s, likely referring to clothing that was thin or revealing. The word became more common in the 1960s, coinciding with the rise of the mini-skirt and other trends towards more revealing clothing.


very small and not covering much of your body

rất nhỏ và không bao phủ nhiều cơ thể của bạn

  • a skimpy dress

    một chiếc váy thiếu vải

not large enough in amount or size

không đủ lớn về số lượng hoặc kích thước

  • a skimpy meal

    một bữa ăn đạm bạc

  • They provided only skimpy details.

    Họ chỉ cung cấp những chi tiết sơ sài.