Definition of scamper


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The origin of the word "scamper" can be traced back to the early 19th century, in particular, early British dialects. The word is said to have derived from a Scandinavian dialect word "skammal," which roughly translated means "to jump" or "to move about." The word "skammal" was commonly used by sailors of Scandinavian origin who worked in British ports during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The term caught on among the British sailors and later became a part of their dialect. In its early usage, the word "scamper" referred specifically to the sound made by small animals like mice or rats, as they scrambled or scurried about. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded and came to be used more generally for any quick, lively movement, especially of children or animals. The Merriam-Webster dictionary suggests that the first documented use of the word "scamper" in the current sense occurred in 1824. However, some linguistic historians argue that the word may have been in use as early as the late 1700s. Regardless of its exact origins, "scamper" remains a lively and descriptive word in the English language, capturing the joy and energy of quick, playful movement.

  • The playful puppy scampered around the room, wagging its tail and chasing after its toys.

    Chú chó con tinh nghịch chạy quanh phòng, vẫy đuôi và đuổi theo đồ chơi.

  • The children giggled and scampered across the playground, feeling the wind in their hair.

    Những đứa trẻ khúc khích và chạy khắp sân chơi, cảm nhận làn gió thổi qua tóc.

  • The squirrels scampered up the tree trunk, leaping from branch to branch.

    Những con sóc chạy nhanh lên thân cây, nhảy từ cành này sang cành khác.

  • The bunny scampered through the garden, leaving a trail of freshly dug dirt behind.

    Con thỏ chạy vụt qua khu vườn, để lại một vệt đất mới đào phía sau.

  • The skittish rabbits scampered away as the fox approached, sensing danger.

    Những chú thỏ nhát gan chạy vụt đi khi con cáo tiến đến gần vì cảm thấy nguy hiểm.

  • The kittens scampered around the house, jumping onto different surfaces and exploring their surroundings.

    Những chú mèo con chạy quanh nhà, nhảy lên nhiều bề mặt khác nhau và khám phá môi trường xung quanh.

  • The marathon runner scampered past the finish line, her muscles straining as she broke her personal best.

    Vận động viên chạy marathon chạy nhanh qua vạch đích, cơ bắp căng ra khi cô phá vỡ kỷ lục cá nhân của mình.

  • The tiny birdie scampered into the nest, cuddled up with its beak tucked in.

    Chú chim nhỏ bé chạy nhanh vào tổ, cuộn tròn trong tổ với cái mỏ cụp vào.

  • The cheetahs scampered through the savannah, their powerful bodies stealthily hunting for prey.

    Những con báo gêpa chạy nhanh qua đồng cỏ, cơ thể mạnh mẽ của chúng lén lút săn mồi.

  • The sand dune adventure included scampering through treacherous terrain, clambering over pebbles and dodging cliff faces.

    Cuộc phiêu lưu trên cồn cát bao gồm việc chạy qua địa hình hiểm trở, trèo qua những viên sỏi và tránh vách đá.