Definition of salty


chứ vị muối, có muối, mặn


Definition of undefined

The word "salty" has its roots in the Old English word "sealt," meaning "salt." This, in turn, derives from Proto-Germanic *saltaz, ultimately stemming from the Proto-Indo-European root *sels, which means "salt." The word "salty" evolved to describe the taste of salt and, by extension, came to be used figuratively to describe things that are harsh, unpleasant, or sarcastic.


containing or tasting of salt

chứa hoặc nếm muối

  • salty food

    đồ mặn

  • salty sea air

    không khí biển mặn

  • It tasted slightly salty.

    Nó có vị hơi mặn.

Related words and phrases

funny and sometimes slightly rude

hài hước và đôi khi hơi thô lỗ

  • She has a salty sense of humour.

    Cô ấy có khiếu hài hước mặn mà.