Definition of seasoned


dày dạn


"Seasoned" has its roots in the word "season," which originally referred to the time of year. This is because certain foods were best harvested and eaten during specific seasons. Over time, "season" also came to mean adding spices and herbs to enhance the flavor of food. This gave rise to the word "seasoned," which signifies food that has been flavored and improved by these additions. The word also expanded to describe people with experience and expertise, as if they had been "seasoned" by their time and trials, becoming more refined and valuable.


having a lot of experience of a particular activity

có nhiều kinh nghiệm về một hoạt động cụ thể

  • a seasoned campaigner/performer/traveller, etc.

    một nhà vận động/người biểu diễn/khách du lịch dày dạn kinh nghiệm, v.v.

with salt, pepper, etc. added to it

với muối, hạt tiêu, v.v. được thêm vào

  • Toss the meat in seasoned flour.

    Nhúng thịt vào bột mì đã trộn.

  • The sausage was very highly seasoned.

    Xúc xích rất dày dạn.

made suitable for use by being left outside

được làm phù hợp để sử dụng bằng cách để bên ngoài

  • seasoned timber

    gỗ dày dặn

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