Definition of ruinous


hủy hoại


The word "ruinous" can be traced back to the early 16th century, during the English Renaissance. Its root is the Latin word "ruināre," which means "to break down" or "to overthrow." The Middle English version of this word, "royn," was derived from the Old French word "roiaun," which also had its roots in the Latin word "ruināre." "Roiaun" was pronounced something like "rwoinous" in Middle English. The meaning of "ruinous" during its early usage in the English language was more general, denoting anything that caused destruction, such as a ruinous storm or a ruinous disease. However, over time, the word has come to have a more specific connotation pertaining to ruins or the state of being ruined or in ruins. Today, "ruinous" is generally used to describe things that have fallen into a state of disrepair or decay, such as a ruinous building or a ruinous situation. It signifies an object or circumstance that has deteriorated or been destroyed so extensively that it is beyond repair or restoration.


costing a lot of money and more than you can afford

tốn rất nhiều tiền và nhiều hơn mức bạn có thể mua được

  • ruinous legal fees

    phí pháp lý hủy hoại

  • They were forced to sell out at a ruinous loss.

    Họ buộc phải bán đi với mức lỗ nặng nề.

causing serious problems or damage

gây ra vấn đề nghiêm trọng hoặc thiệt hại

  • The decision was to prove ruinous.

    Quyết định này tỏ ra là một sự hủy hoại.

  • Such action would be ruinous to her career.

    Hành động như vậy sẽ hủy hoại sự nghiệp của cô ấy.

  • a ruinous mistake

    một sai lầm tai hại

Related words and phrases

destroyed or severely damaged

bị phá hủy hoặc hư hỏng nghiêm trọng

  • The buildings were in a ruinous state.

    Các tòa nhà ở trong tình trạng đổ nát.

  • This part of the church is ruinous.

    Phần này của nhà thờ bị hủy hoại.