Definition of rib


xương sườn


The word "rib" has an interesting etymology, with roots in the Old English language. In Old English, the word for rib was "ripa," which comes from the Proto-Germanic root word "rebjo," meaning "something bent or flexed." This linguistic history is evident in the way the word "rib" is used today. A rib is a curved bone that is part of the ribcage, which helps to protect the internal organs and facilitate breathing. The ribcage itself is also sometimes referred to as the "rib cage." The word "rib" has also taken on other, less anatomical meanings over time. For example, in the context of knitting or crochet, a "ribbing" pattern involves working a series of knit and purl stitches to create a row of alternating ridges and valleys. This pattern provides both texture and stretch, making it a popular choice for a variety of knit and crochet projects. In cooking and baking, a "rib" of meat refers to a cut that includes the bone with the meat still attached. Thisusage originated in the hunting and cooking traditions of European settlers in North America, where large cuts of meat from wild game were often left to hang and age, allowing the meat to drip onto the bone, which was then wrapped in the meat and roasted or grilled. The addition of the bone not only added flavor and tenderness to the meat, but also helped to keep it moist during cooking. In spite of its various meanings over time, however, the origin of the word "rib" in all its uses can be traced back to its roots in the Old English language, and the idea of a curved or flexed object like the bone that supports our organs and helps us breathe.


any of the curved bones that are connected to the spine and surround the chest

bất kỳ xương cong nào được nối với cột sống và bao quanh ngực

  • a broken/bruised/cracked rib

    một cái xương sườn bị gãy/bầm tím/nứt

  • Stop poking me in the ribs!

    Đừng chọc vào sườn tôi nữa!

Related words and phrases

a piece of meat with one or more bones from the ribs of an animal

một miếng thịt có một hoặc nhiều xương từ xương sườn của động vật

Related words and phrases

a curved piece of wood, metal or plastic that forms the frame of a boat, roof, etc. and makes it stronger

một miếng gỗ, kim loại hoặc nhựa cong tạo thành khung thuyền, mái nhà, v.v. và làm cho nó chắc chắn hơn

  • a roof with rib vaulting

    một mái nhà có vòm sườn

a way of knitting (= making clothing using wool and two long needles) that produces a pattern of straight lines up and down in which some are raised higher than others

một cách đan (= làm quần áo bằng len và hai cây kim dài) tạo ra một kiểu đường thẳng lên xuống trong đó một số đường thẳng được nâng lên cao hơn những đường khác

  • a rib cotton sweater

    một chiếc áo len cotton sườn


have/want none of something
to refuse to accept something
  • I offered to pay but he was having none of it.
  • They pretended to be enthusiastic about my work but then suddenly decided they wanted none of it.
  • none but
  • None but he knew the truth.
  • none the less
    despite this fact
    none other than
    used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
  • Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.