Definition of repossession


thu hồi


The word "repossession" traces its roots back to the Old French word "reprendre," meaning "to take back." It combines the prefix "re-" (meaning "again" or "back") with the verb "prendre" (meaning "to take"). Over time, the word evolved into "reprendre" in Middle English, then "repossession" in early Modern English. Its legal usage solidified around the 17th century, signifying the act of taking back something previously sold or pledged as security for a loan.


the act of repossessing property, goods, etc.

hành vi chiếm đoạt tài sản, hàng hóa, v.v.

  • families threatened with repossession

    gia đình bị đe dọa chiếm lại

  • a repossession order

    lệnh thu hồi

a house, car, etc. that has been repossessed

một ngôi nhà, xe hơi, vv đã bị thu hồi

  • Auctions are the best place for buying repossessions.

    Đấu giá là nơi tốt nhất để mua lại tài sản.