Definition of relatable


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The word "relatable" has its origins in the late 19th century. It is a combination of "relate" and the suffix "-able," which is used to form adjectives that indicate the ability to be treated or affected in a certain way. In the 1890s, "relatable" was first used in the sense of being able to be connected or associated with something. Initially, the word was used in a more literal sense, such as describing a scientific concept or a mental state. For example, "The symptoms are relatable to a particular disease." Over time, the meaning of the word broadened to include social and emotional connections, such as "I understand what they're going through because it's relatable to my own experience." In the early 2000s, with the rise of social media and internet culture, the term gained popularity in describing feelings, experiences, and perspectives that were easy to understand and empathize with. Today, "relatable" is often used to express a sense of shared understanding or connection with others, whether it's through a memes, a song, or a personal anecdote.


making you feel that you can understand and have sympathy with somebody/something

làm cho bạn cảm thấy rằng bạn có thể hiểu và có cảm tình với ai đó/cái gì đó

  • Kat is the most relatable character in the film.

    Kat là nhân vật dễ hiểu nhất trong phim.

  • She believes that her busy schedule makes her more relatable to voters.

    Cô tin rằng lịch trình bận rộn của mình khiến cô trở nên gần gũi hơn với cử tri.

that can be related to something else

có thể liên quan đến điều gì khác

  • The growth of the welfare state is clearly relatable to the growth of democracy.

    Sự phát triển của nhà nước phúc lợi rõ ràng có liên quan đến sự phát triển của nền dân chủ.