Definition of regulator


bộ điều chỉnh


The word "regulator" has its roots in the 14th century, derived from the Latin words "regula" meaning "rule" and "ator" meaning "maker" or "causer". Initially, a regulator referred to a person who established or enforced a rule or standard. Over time, the term evolved to describe a device or mechanism that governs or controls the flow, rate, or pressure of something, such as a liquid, gas, or electric current. In the 17th century, the term became associated with the device used to regulate the flow of blood through a wound, known as a blood regulator. In the 18th century, the term was applied to mechanical devices that controlled the speed of a machine, such as a clock regulator. Today, the word "regulator" is used in various contexts, including medicine, engineering, and finance, to describe a device, system, or entity that maintains or adjusts something to a desired level or standard.


a person or an organization that officially controls an area of business or industry and makes sure that it is operating fairly

một người hoặc một tổ chức chính thức kiểm soát một lĩnh vực kinh doanh hoặc ngành nghề và đảm bảo rằng nó hoạt động công bằng

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a device that controls something such as speed, temperature or pressure

một thiết bị kiểm soát một cái gì đó như tốc độ, nhiệt độ hoặc áp suất

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