Definition of pulverize


nghiền nát


The word "pulverize" comes from the Latin word "pulverizare," which can be broken down into two parts: "pulv(er)" meaning "dust" or "powder," and the suffix "-ize," which is a common English suffix meaning "to make" or "to cause to become." Therefore, the literal meaning of "pulverize" is "to turn into powder or dust." In modern usage, it often conveys a sense of thorough or complete destruction or reduction to small particles. The term originated during the Middle Ages and has been in use in the English language since the 16th century.


to make something into a fine powder by pressing or crushing it

làm cái gì đó thành bột mịn bằng cách ép hoặc nghiền nát nó

to defeat or destroy somebody/something completely

đánh bại hoặc tiêu diệt hoàn toàn ai/cái gì đó

  • We pulverized the opposition.

    Chúng tôi đã nghiền nát phe đối lập.

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