Definition of decimate


tiêu diệt


The word "decimate" has a fascinating origin. It comes from the Latin phrase "decimare," which means "to kill every tenth person." This ancient Roman practice, known as "decimation," was a form of punishment and discipline used to maintain military morale and discipline. When a legion was found to be falsely reporting a victory or performing poorly, a certain number of men (usually one-tenth) would be randomly selected and executed by their comrades as a form of collective punishment. The goal was to restore order and cohesion within the unit. Over time, the term "decimate" expanded to mean "to destroy or destroy greatly," losing its original literal meaning of executing one in ten. Today, we use "decimate" to describe anything that is severely harmed, destroyed, or reduced in number or effectiveness.


to kill large numbers of animals, plants or people in a particular area

giết chết một số lượng lớn động vật, thực vật hoặc con người ở một khu vực cụ thể

  • The rabbit population was decimated by the disease.

    Số lượng thỏ đã giảm mạnh vì căn bệnh này.

to severely damage something or make something weaker

làm hỏng nghiêm trọng một cái gì đó hoặc làm cho một cái gì đó yếu hơn

  • Cheap imports decimated the British cycle industry.

    Hàng nhập khẩu giá rẻ đã tàn phá ngành công nghiệp xe đạp của Anh.