Definition of grind


mài ngọc


The word "grind" originates from the Old English word "grindan," which means "to grind" or "to rub." This verb has been traced back to the Proto-Germanic root "grik-," which has cognates in other Germanic languages, such as Old Norse "gríða," Old High German "grinden," and Gothic "griknan." The original meaning of "grindan" referred to the action of grinding or crushing things, such as grain to make flour or ore to extract valuable minerals. It was also used in the sense of grinding or polishing objects, such as lenses for spectacles or teeth for dentists. The use of "grind" as a verb to describe the repetitive and often tedious action of performing a task, usually with an element of hardship or difficulty, is a more recent development. The terminology emerged during the 1930s in relation to the working-class slang "grind" meaning "work" or "drudgery," particularly in reference to manual labor in factories or mines. Over time, "grind" has expanded its versatility to describe various forms of hard work, such as studying for exams, practicing a musical instrument, or completing a basketball drill. It has also come to signify the intense, high-energy style of music called "grindcore" that originated in the 1980s British punk and metal scene. Today, "grind" remains a ubiquitous part of the English lexicon, reflecting its flexibility and versatility as a linguistic entity.


to break or press something into very small pieces between two hard surfaces or using a special machine

phá vỡ hoặc ép một cái gì đó thành những mảnh rất nhỏ giữa hai bề mặt cứng hoặc sử dụng một máy đặc biệt

  • to grind coffee/corn

    để xay cà phê/ngô

  • The animal has teeth that grind its food into a pulp.

    Con vật có răng để nghiền thức ăn thành bột giấy.

Extra examples:
  • The cement need not be finely ground.

    Xi măng không cần phải nghiền mịn.

  • The coffee is ground to a fine powder.

    Cà phê được xay thành bột mịn.

  • freshly ground black pepper

    hạt tiêu vừa mới nghiền

  • machinery for grinding wheat into flour

    máy nghiền lúa mì thành bột

Related words and phrases

to produce something such as flour by grinding

để sản xuất một cái gì đó như bột bằng cách nghiền

  • The flour is ground using traditional methods.

    Bột được xay bằng phương pháp truyền thống.

to cut food, especially meat, into very small pieces using a special machine (called a mincer)

cắt thức ăn, đặc biệt là thịt, thành những miếng rất nhỏ bằng máy đặc biệt (gọi là máy xay)

make sharp/smooth

to make something sharp or smooth by rubbing it against a hard surface

làm cho cái gì đó sắc nét hoặc mịn màng bằng cách cọ xát nó trên một bề mặt cứng

  • a special stone for grinding knives

    một loại đá đặc biệt để mài dao

press into surface

to press or rub something into a surface

nhấn hoặc chà xát một cái gì đó vào một bề mặt

  • He ground his cigarette into the ashtray.

    Anh ta dụi điếu thuốc vào cái gạt tàn.

  • The dirt on her hands was ground in.

    Chất bẩn trên tay cô bị nghiền nát.

rub together

to rub together, or to make hard objects rub together, often producing an unpleasant noise

cọ xát vào nhau hoặc làm cho các vật cứng cọ xát vào nhau, thường tạo ra tiếng động khó chịu

  • Parts of the machine were grinding together noisily.

    Các bộ phận của máy đang mài vào nhau ồn ào.

  • She grinds her teeth when she is asleep.

    Cô ấy nghiến răng khi ngủ.

  • He ground the gears on the car.

    Anh ta nối bánh răng trên xe.


to turn the handle of a machine that grinds something

xoay tay cầm của một cái máy để nghiền thứ gì đó

  • to grind a pepper mill

    xay một cối xay hạt tiêu


bring something to a grinding halt
to make something gradually go slower until it stops completely
  • Roadworks brought traffic to a grinding halt.
  • grind to a halt | come to a grinding halt
    to go slower gradually and then stop completely
  • Production ground to a halt during the strike.
  • Her career ground to a halt when the twins were born.
  • have an axe to grind
    to have private reasons for being involved in something or for arguing for a particular cause
  • She had no axe to grind and was only acting out of concern for their safety.
  • These criticisms are commonly voiced by those who have some political axe to grind.