Definition of pull over

pull oververb

(phương tiện) tấp vào lề

Definition of undefined

The term "pullover" likely originated in the early 20th century, stemming from the act of pulling a garment over the head. It was initially used for sweaters, as these were commonly donned this way. The term expanded to include other items of clothing worn similarly, such as sweatshirts and turtlenecks. While the exact origin remains debated, its connection to the action of "pulling over" is clear, reflecting the simple, practical method of putting on these types of clothing.


(of a vehicle) move to the side of or off the road

(của một chiếc xe) di chuyển sang bên hoặc ra khỏi đường

  • I decided to pull over on to the hard shoulder

    Tôi quyết định tấp vào bờ vai cứng rắn

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