Definition of prudishness


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The word "prudishness" originated in the 19th century, with its roots in the Latin word "prudens," which means "cautious" or "wise." The initial use of the term referred to a general sense of discretion and sound judgment, particularly in issues that concern morality. However, as the Victorian era progressed, the concept of prudishness became closely tied to sexuality, especially in relation to women's behavior and dressing. This rigid ideology, which emphasized the suppression of sexual desires andDisplaying indecent items, is what birthed the modern-day connotation of prudishness as an excessively conservative and puritanical attitude towards sexuality. Thus, while the word "prudishness" retains its original meaning, it is now commonly used to describe individuals who adhere to strict moral codes or refuse to engage in discussions regarding sex, often resulting in social and personal constraints.

  • Her prudishness caused her to avert her eyes and quickly leave the room when a revealing photo graced the cover of the magazine.
  • The old-fashioned guests at the tea party displayed their prudishness by refusing to drink an ungenteel beverage like tea with sugar.
  • The school principal's prudishness led her to implement strict dress codes, prohibiting students from wearing clothing that showed off their skin.
  • In an effort to avoid accusations of prudishness, the theater company decided to leave the particulars of the sex scene in the play intact.
  • His prudishness often made it difficult for him to connect with others, as he struggled to find appropriate ways to express his emotions and affections.
  • The landlady's prudishness made it clear that any tenant found engaging in unsanctioned activities, like listening to loud music or having guests over in the evening, would be summarily evicted.
  • Her prudishness extended to her choice of entertainment, as she refused to watch any programs that contained profanity, violence, or steamy scenes.
  • The retired couple's prudishness caused them to reproach their grandchildren for wearing clothing that exposed their elbows or knees.
  • Due to his prudishness, the priest urged his congregants to avoid any form of media that might offend their morality or violate their sensibilities.
  • The neighborhood association's prudishness resulted in strict curfews, conspicuous signage, and constant vigilance, all aimed at limiting the freedom and autonomy of local youth.