Definition of prominently


nổi bật


The word "prominently" has its roots in the 15th century. It originates from the Latin phrase "prominens," which means "standing out" or "being forward." This Latin phrase is derived from two parts: "pro," meaning "before" or "forward," and "minens," meaning "standing" or "projecting." In English, "prominently" was first used as an adverb in the 16th century, originally meaning "standing out" or "being prominent." Over time, the word's meaning expanded to include the idea of something being placed or displayed in a noticeable or prominent position. Today, "prominently" is commonly used to describe something that is prominently displayed, featured, or highlighted, often to draw attention to it. For example, "The company's logo is prominently displayed on the front page of the website."


in a way that is easily seen or noticed

theo một cách dễ dàng được nhìn thấy hoặc nhận thấy

  • The photographs were prominently displayed on her desk.

    Những bức ảnh được trưng bày nổi bật trên bàn làm việc của cô.

in a way that deliberately gives a lot of attention to somebody/something and makes them important or significant

theo cách cố tình dành nhiều sự chú ý đến ai đó/cái gì đó và làm cho chúng trở nên quan trọng hoặc có ý nghĩa

  • Problems of family relationships feature prominently in her novels.

    Những vấn đề về mối quan hệ gia đình được đề cập nổi bật trong tiểu thuyết của bà.