Definition of prioritization


sự ưu tiên


The word "prioritization" originated in the mid-17th century from the Latin words "prior" meaning "former" or " earlier" and "itio" meaning "actition" or "doing". The term initially referred to the act of determining the order or sequence in which tasks or events would occur. In the 19th century, the term "priority" emerged, meaning the importance or urgency of something. Over time, the prefix "prior-" was added to the root word "itio" to form "prioritization", referring to the process of assigning importance or urgency to tasks, projects, or resources. Today, prioritization is a crucial concept in various fields, including business, project management, and personal productivity, as it helps individuals and organizations to focus on the most critical tasks and achieve their goals more effectively.


the act of putting tasks, problems, etc. in order of importance, so that you can deal with the most important first

hành động sắp xếp các nhiệm vụ, vấn đề, v.v. theo thứ tự quan trọng, để bạn có thể giải quyết những việc quan trọng nhất trước

  • Time management is all about accurate prioritization.

    Quản lý thời gian chính là việc ưu tiên chính xác.

the treatment of something as being more important than other things

việc coi một cái gì đó quan trọng hơn những thứ khác

  • the government's prioritization of free-market principles over the needs of public health

    việc chính phủ ưu tiên các nguyên tắc thị trường tự do hơn nhu cầu sức khỏe cộng đồng