Definition of predictability


khả năng dự đoán


The word "predictability" has its roots in the 15th century Latin word "predictus," which means "foretold" or "predicted." From this Latin word, the English word "predict" emerged in the 14th century, meaning "to declare beforehand" or "to foretell." The suffix "-ability" was added to "predict" to create the word "predictability" in the 17th century. Initially, the word referred to the quality of being able to be predicted or forecast. Over time, its meaning expanded to encompass the concept of being able to be anticipated, expected, or depended upon. Today, "predictability" is used to describe the extent to which outcomes or events can be forecast or anticipated, making it a valuable concept in fields such as science, economics, and weather forecasting.


the quality something has when it is possible for you to know in advance that it will happen or what it will be like

chất lượng của một cái gì đó khi bạn có thể biết trước rằng nó sẽ xảy ra hoặc nó sẽ như thế nào

  • Many young offenders commit further crimes with alarming predictability.

    Nhiều tội phạm trẻ tuổi tiếp tục phạm tội với mức độ có thể dự đoán trước đáng báo động.

the quality somebody/something has when they are exactly as you would expect and therefore boring

chất lượng mà ai đó/cái gì đó có khi chúng chính xác như bạn mong đợi và do đó nhàm chán

  • the dull predictability of most of this poetry

    khả năng dự đoán buồn tẻ của hầu hết bài thơ này