Definition of plausible


có vẻ hợp lý


The word "plausible" originated in the 16th century from the Latin word "plausibilis," meaning "worthy of applause" or "approvable." It first appeared in English as "plausible" in the early 17th century, referring to something that is believable or reasonable due to the likelihood of its occurrence. In Latin, "plausibilis" derives from the root "plaudere," meaning "to clap," which is connected to the idea of applause or approval. When something is plausible, it has a quality that is worthy of praise or positive reaction. The term has since evolved to refer to the likelihood or probability of something being true, rather than just its potential for applause. But its original meaning has left a lasting impression, as "plausibility" is still often associated with persuasiveness, credibility, and positive perception. In modern usage, "plausible" is a descriptive term for something that seems reasonable, believable, or likely in context, based on available evidence or information. It can also be used as a qualifier for the believability or persuasiveness of a suggestion, theory, or explanation. The word "plausible" continues to evolve over time, as new linguistic trends and contexts emerge, but its roots in Latin and the concept of approachability remain a cornerstone of its meaning. As a helpful assistant, I enjoy exploring the origins of words and can help you better understand their definitions and evolution over time.


reasonable and likely to be true

hợp lý và có thể đúng

  • Her story sounded perfectly plausible.

    Câu chuyện của cô nghe có vẻ hoàn toàn hợp lý.

  • The only plausible explanation is that he forgot.

    Lời giải thích hợp lý duy nhất là anh đã quên.

Extra examples:
  • There was no way the story could be made to sound even remotely plausible.

    Không có cách nào để câu chuyện có thể nghe có vẻ hợp lý dù chỉ một chút.

  • This explanation fits the facts and is psychologically plausible.

    Lời giải thích này phù hợp với thực tế và hợp lý về mặt tâm lý.

  • This view seems intuitively plausible and has a long history.

    Quan điểm này có vẻ hợp lý về mặt trực giác và có lịch sử lâu dài.

  • a perfectly plausible theory

    một lý thuyết hoàn toàn hợp lý

  • an equally plausible explanation

    một lời giải thích hợp lý như nhau

  • His answer was plausible enough.

    Câu trả lời của anh ấy đủ hợp lý.

  • If you're going to make an excuse, at least make it plausible!

    Nếu bạn định đưa ra lời bào chữa thì ít nhất hãy làm cho nó hợp lý!

Related words and phrases

good at sounding honest and sincere, especially when trying to trick people

giỏi ăn nói trung thực và chân thành, đặc biệt là khi cố lừa người khác

  • She was a plausible liar.

    Cô ấy là một kẻ nói dối đáng tin cậy.