Definition of pew




The word "pew" that we commonly come across in churches can be traced back to the late 1700s. Initially, the seats that we now know as pews were not a part of the church furniture. Instead, parishioners stood during the services, and the priest sat on a raised platform called the "chantry step". As the number of churchgoers increased, it became necessary to provide seating facilities inside the church. The first chairs used in churches were generally borrowed from houses or other public places such as courts and taverns. These chairs were uncomfortable, times, they would remain in church even after the service was over, causing inconvenience to the next day's congregation. To overcome this issue, in the 17th century, churches in England started to install benches made of wood. These benches did not remain in the church permanently after services, and had to be taken out and stacked at the back of the church. It was during this time that the term "pew" originated in the churches of North America. The word "pew" is an altered form of the word "pit choke," a phrase used in the logging industry, where "pew" meant a V-shaped gouge made in a tree trunk's base to let it fall in a particular direction. The benches in the churches were similar in shape to the pit choke, so the term was applied to them by the English-speaking immigrants who came to the Americas. Today, due to its association with religion, the general meaning of the word "pew" is limited to the seats in churches. Nevertheless, its origin from the logging industry highlights how language can evolve based on the use of words in different contexts.

  • Mary found a empty pew in the quiet corner of the church and knelt down for a moment of prayer.

    Mary tìm thấy một băng ghế trống ở góc yên tĩnh của nhà thờ và quỳ xuống cầu nguyện một lát.

  • As the mass started, the congregation filled the pews and the room was filled with the sound of voices chanting hymns.

    Khi thánh lễ bắt đầu, giáo dân ngồi kín các băng ghế và căn phòng tràn ngập âm thanh hát thánh ca.

  • John sat in the middle pew with his family, nervously waiting for the priest's arrival.

    John ngồi ở hàng ghế giữa cùng gia đình, hồi hộp chờ đợi vị linh mục đến.

  • Cynthia preferred to stand during the service rather than sit on a pew, as she found it more engaging.

    Cynthia thích đứng trong suốt buổi lễ hơn là ngồi trên băng ghế vì cô thấy như vậy thú vị hơn.

  • The choir sang beautifully from the balcony above, echoing through the pews and filling the room with an ethereal sound.

    Dàn hợp xướng hát rất hay từ ban công phía trên, vang vọng khắp các dãy ghế và lấp đầy căn phòng bằng âm thanh thanh thoát.

  • The family sat together in the last pew at the back of the church, trying their best to be discreet as they whispered to each other.

    Cả gia đình ngồi cùng nhau ở hàng ghế cuối cùng phía sau nhà thờ, cố gắng hết sức để kín đáo khi thì thầm với nhau.

  • During the communion, the priest moved slowly from pew to pew, blessing each sacrament and imparting a sense of calm and reverence.

    Trong lễ hiệp thông, linh mục di chuyển chậm rãi từ hàng ghế này sang hàng ghế khác, ban phước cho từng bí tích và truyền đạt cảm giác bình tĩnh và tôn kính.

  • The pews were all decorated with religious artifacts, ranging from polished wooden crosses to ceramic statues of Jesus and the Virgin Mary.

    Các dãy ghế đều được trang trí bằng các hiện vật tôn giáo, từ những cây thánh giá bằng gỗ đánh bóng đến những bức tượng gốm của Chúa Jesus và Đức Mẹ Đồng Trinh.

  • The priest instructed the congregation to stand for the final hymn, and the entire room rose as one, singing with fervor as they filled the pews with their voices.

    Vị linh mục hướng dẫn giáo dân đứng lên hát thánh ca cuối cùng, và toàn thể căn phòng cùng đứng dậy, hát vang với lòng nhiệt thành và giọng hát của họ vang khắp các băng ghế.

  • After mass, the congregation left the pews, one by one, slowly making their way out of the church, carrying with them a sense of joy and gratitude.

    Sau thánh lễ, giáo dân lần lượt rời khỏi ghế ngồi, từ tiến ra khỏi nhà thờ, mang theo trong mình cảm giác vui mừng và biết ơn.


take a pew!
(British English, informal, humorous)used to tell somebody to sit down
  • Come in and take a pew. Can I get you a cup of tea?