Definition of paraglider


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The word "paraglider" originated in the late 1960s when a new kind of flying became popular. Paragliding is a recreational and competitive sport that involves soaring through the air with the help of a wing-like canopy called a paraglider. The word itself is a combination of two existing words: "para" meaning parachute, and "glider" meaning a device or person for gliding through the air. Essentially, a paraglider is a hybrid of a parachute and a glider, designed to provide the thrill and freedom of soaring above the ground. The paraglider was invented in France in the late 1960s by a parachute designer named Domina Jalbert. He aimed to create a device that would allow for more maneuverability and control while gliding, giving the pilot a greater sense of freedom and flight stability. The first paraglider prototype was known as the "Lesini Ram-Air Speed Parasol," which consisted of a large, pull-down canopy attached to a harness. It took several years of testing and refining before paragliders became a widely accepted flying apparatus. Today, paragliding is a popular sport enjoyed by thousands of people around the world, with competitions, instructional courses, and even paraglider festivals held in many countries. The freedom and uniqueness of paragliding make it an exciting and popular adventure sport that allows people to feel the exhilaration of flight.


a structure consisting of a big thin piece of cloth like a parachute, and a harness which is attached to a person when they jump from a high place in the sport of paragliding

một cấu trúc bao gồm một mảnh vải mỏng lớn giống như một chiếc dù, và một dây an toàn được gắn vào người khi họ nhảy từ một nơi cao trong môn thể thao dù lượn

a person who does paragliding

một người chơi dù lượn