Definition of disarm


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The word "disarm" has its roots in Old French "desarmer," which is derived from the Latin words "des-" meaning "to take away" and "arma" meaning "arms." In the 13th century, the word "desarmer" referred to the act of taking away or stripping someone of their arms or weapons. The meaning of the word expanded in the 15th century to include the idea of making someone unable to fight or defend themselves. This sense of the word is related to the idea of physically disarming someone by taking away their weapons or rendering them helpless through some other means. Today, the word "disarm" is often used figuratively to describe the act of stripping someone or something of their ability to cause harm or aggression, whether through negotiation, diplomacy, or other means.


to take a weapon or weapons away from somebody

lấy vũ khí hoặc vũ khí ra khỏi ai đó

  • Most of the rebels were captured and disarmed.

    Hầu hết quân nổi dậy đã bị bắt và tước vũ khí.

to reduce the size of an army or to give up some or all weapons, especially nuclear weapons

giảm quy mô quân đội hoặc từ bỏ một số hoặc tất cả vũ khí, đặc biệt là vũ khí hạt nhân

  • The government was reluctant to disarm.

    Chính phủ đã miễn cưỡng giải giáp vũ khí.

to make somebody feel less angry or critical

để làm cho ai đó cảm thấy ít tức giận hoặc quan trọng

  • He disarmed her immediately by apologizing profusely.

    Anh ta tước vũ khí của cô ngay lập tức bằng cách xin lỗi rối rít.

  • The best way to disarm your critics is to make them laugh.

    Cách tốt nhất để loại bỏ những lời chỉ trích của bạn là làm cho họ cười.