Definition of overseer


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The word "overseer" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. The Latin word "superior," meaning "higher" or "above," is believed to have influenced the development of the word. In Old English, the term "ofer-gyrd" referred to someone who oversaw or governed a group of people or things. This word was later adapted as "over-gyrd" in Middle English, with the meaning of "one who watches over or has charge of." In the 14th century, the phrase "overseer of the poor" emerged, referring to someone responsible for managing alms and charitable works. Over time, the term's scope expanded to include broader administrative and supervisory roles, such as in agriculture, construction, and other industries. Today, an overseer is often someone who inspects, supervises, or manages a project, operation, or entity.


a person whose job is to make sure that other workers do their work

một người có công việc là đảm bảo rằng những công nhân khác làm công việc của họ

a person or an organization that is responsible for making sure that a system is working as it should

một người hoặc một tổ chức chịu trách nhiệm đảm bảo rằng hệ thống hoạt động bình thường