Definition of foreman


người cai


The word "foreman" originated in the late 1800s in the United States, specifically in the context of coal mining. It emerged as a combining of the words "fore" and "man" to describe the person who was responsible for overseeing and coordinating the work of the miners at the front or opening end of a coal mine. The term "fore" in this context referred to the front or leading end of the mine, where the minerals were being extracted. In short, a foreman was, and still is, a supervisor who ensures the efficient and safe operation of a work crew, especially in industries such as construction, manufacturing, and mining. The term has since spread to other fields and industries, where it is used to describe the person who supervises and manages a team of workers.


a male worker who is in charge of a group of other factory or building workers

một công nhân nam phụ trách một nhóm công nhân nhà máy hoặc tòa nhà khác

  • He got a job as foreman of a building site.

    Anh ấy có được công việc là quản đốc của một công trường xây dựng.

a man who acts as the leader of a jury in court

một người đàn ông đóng vai trò là người lãnh đạo bồi thẩm đoàn tại tòa án