Definition of nutty




The word "nutty" traces back to the Middle English word "notte," meaning "nut." The adjective "nutty" originally described something that resembled or contained nuts, like "nutty brown" referring to the color of a nut. Over time, it evolved to describe a person who was eccentric or crazy, perhaps due to the association of nuts with mental instability. This association is likely rooted in the idea of nuts being hard to crack, and thus difficult to understand. So, "nutty" went from a description of a physical characteristic to a term for someone whose behavior was considered "off" or "peculiar."


tasting of or containing nuts

nếm hoặc chứa các loại hạt

  • a nutty taste

    hương vị hấp dẫn

slightly crazy or strange

hơi điên hoặc lạ

  • She's got some nutty friends.

    Cô ấy có một số người bạn hấp dẫn.

  • They had some nutty idea about eating only raw food.

    Họ đã có một số ý tưởng thú vị về việc chỉ ăn thực phẩm tươi sống.

  • He's as nutty as a fruitcake (= completely crazy).

    Anh ấy hấp dẫn như một chiếc bánh trái cây (= hoàn toàn điên rồ).

  • I know it sounds nutty, but it's true.

    Tôi biết nó nghe có vẻ điên rồ, nhưng đó là sự thật.

liking somebody/something very much

rất thích ai/cái gì

  • She's nutty about that band!

    Cô ấy rất thích ban nhạc đó!